Why is Life School of Ministry is a great choice?
  • You can gain education without necessarily moving
  • Affordable and debt free education
  • Classes are at convenient times, especially for those who are working full-time jobs
  • You will receive practical and hands on learning in ministry
What is the purpose of Life School of Ministry?
Life School of Ministry is a subsidiary of Life Church, with the purpose to teach and train leaders. 
Do I have to feel called to full-time ministry or occupational ministry to attend Life School of Ministry?
No, you do not have to feel called to full-time ministry or occupational ministry to attend. You could simply be seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible, and sharpening your tools to pursue gaining a better understanding of how to serve others and the local church body you are a part of. 
Why is there an application fee?
Life School of Ministry has a one-time, non-refundable application fee that is used for helping your application get processed, as well as, materials that are needed to help get you enrolled into school. If for some reason you apply, but are not able to attend at that time and choose to return at a later date please email us at for next steps. 
When and where will my classes take place?
All classes will be held at the Life Church Cookeville Campus - click HERE for directions. Each semester will host two courses, with three semesters needed to be completed in the first year. Classes will be held on Sundays with the first class starting at 3:00 -4:15 PM, and the second class will be 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM.

What happens if I can not attend every week?
Life School of Ministry has an attendance policy to help you succeed in your educational endeavors. 
Is Life School of Ministry Accredited?
Life School of Ministry is not accredited, however you do receive a certificate of completion. 
If I have already taken previous courses from other educational institutions or outside educational development do I still have to take them?
Yes, at Life School of Ministry, since we are not accredited, all courses are required to receive certificate of completion. We do not accept any transfer credits. 
Is there any financial aid available for Life School of Ministry?
There is no financial aid or scholarships available at LSM. However, we do offer payments plans and can set one up for you, we just require all tuition be paid in full before the semester can begin. It is also important to note all application fees and tuition is non-refundable. If you are in need of a payment plan, please email us at